Online Catalog
Online Catalog
The Riggs Institute’s Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking
Teachers Edition Level I $99.95
378 pages with 160 daily lesson plans cover teaching: listening, speaking, initial letter formation, complete phonetics, spelling (with 47 rules of spelling, plurals & syllabication), composition, reading, comprehen-sion, grammar, syntax, punctuation, capitalization, vocabulary development, analytical and inferential thinking, plus cognitive development in: auditory, visual, verbal, and motor areas of the brain. Self training is included.
© Myrna T McCulloch Published by K&M Publishing
The Riggs Institute’s Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking
Teachers Edition Level II $68.50
Starts with a 4-week review of the concepts of Level I; adds another 700 spelling-vocabulary words, cursive handwriting, integrated weekly lessons in grammar/syntax, oral, vocabulary, reading, comprehension, literature, composition, homework assignments and spelling, comprehension, and grammar/syntax testing plus 52 lesson charts, chapters on orthography, “standards,” composition and a 142-page reprint of the classic 1914 text, Essentials of English.
© Myrna T McCulloch Published by K&M Publishing

The Riggs Institute’s Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking
Spelling Vocabulary List Level III $41.50
There are no lesson plans in the Level III manual. Approximately 900 advanced spelling-vocabulary words including elementary math and science words. Words are syllabicated and spell-marked with notes to focus instruction on etymology and vocabulary development (roots, affixes, origins parts of speech, etc.). Math and science words can be put on pp. 16-up in reference notebooks.
© Myrna T McCulloch Published by Riggs Institute Press

The Riggs Institute’s Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking
“Revised” Orton Phonogram Cards (Boxed Set of 71) $28.50
Covers teaching the phonetic structure of correct English spelling and initial letter formation, in 4 of the first 9 weeks of instruction at Grade 1 level or at half that pace for kindergarten students. This is “explicit” phonics instruction [teaching the phoneme/grapheme relationships (in isolation) by using multi-sensory, direct and Socratic teaching techniques.]
© Myrna T McCulloch Published by Riggs Institute Press

The Riggs Institute’s Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking
“Revised” Orton Phonogram Cards Sound CD $15.00
The 71 phonograms are pronounced very precisely along with the 47 spelling, plural and syllabication rules. The latter are used only when they are applied in spelling word instruction. This has many teaching tips, some of which are also on the audio portion of this package.
This CD is for Parent/Teacher Use ONLY!
© Myrna T McCulloch Published by Riggs Institute Press

The Riggs Institute’s Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking
Student Audio CD of Phonograms with Blackline Master $27.95
For full multi-sensory self instruction in the 71 phonograms (sound/spelling pattern relationships); ideal to allow older students independence in learning what they may, at first, consider “baby work.” The testing booklet contains suggestions for applications in spelling and 47 rules of spelling, plural & syllabication. Recommended for students Grade 3 and up .
(*Not to be used in classroom for daily testing)
© Myrna T McCulloch Published by Riggs Institute Press
The Riggs Institute’s Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking
Training Manual w/ 8 year Course of Study Language Arts Standards $20.00
This 99-page manual guides the self trainer and study group training sessions as well as our formal training seminars. The manual and our training recommendations and practices follow the dictates of compiled research (Joyce/Showers) on this subject. This synthesis is also reprinted in the manual with permission of Educational Leadership. 3-hole punched for easy insertion in the Level 1 Teacher’s Manual
© Myrna T McCulloch Published by Riggs Institute Press

1/2” Composition Notebooks and Paper $2.00—Notebook $22.00—Doz. Notebook
(*1/2” Rule is for students in kindergarten) $15.00—Full Ream $8.50—1/2 Ream
These blank notebooks take the place of phonics, handwriting, reading, comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and spelling workbooks or worksheets. They have dotted middle lines as does the paper.
The correct matching practice paper is important to optimal results with this teaching process. The 1/2″ rule paper has a clock face on each sheet. Each ream has 500 sheets
© Riggs Institute Published by Riggs Institute Press

3/8” Composition Notebooks and Paper $2.75—Notebook $30.00—Doz. Notebooks
(*3/8” Rule is for Grades 1 & Up) $15.00—Ream $8.50—1/2 Ream
These blank notebooks take the place of phonics, handwriting, reading, comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and spelling workbooks or worksheets. They have dotted middle lines as does the paper.
The correct matching practice paper is important to optimal results with this teaching process. Each ream has 500 sheets
© Riggs Institute Published by Riggs Institute Press

Red Pencils $0.50 each $6.00—Doz.
Six sided, red leaded #2 pencils are used by the student, not the teacher. These pencils are created to help the student learn how to correctly hold a pencil which will enhance their handwriting abilities.
© Riggs Institute Published by Riggs Institute Press

Flexible Vinyl Ruler $1.50 each $18.00-Doz.
Heavy laminate on both sides; each flexible ruler has phonograms and upper and lower case manuscript alphabet on one side with revised phonograms on the other.
© Riggs Institute Published by Riggs Institute Press

Wall Charts (Set of 24) $95.00—Large Charts $40.00—Small Charts
Heavy laminate both sides; these duplicate a 3/8″notebook page and are used with students until they are able to take dictation well enough to complete reference notebook pages from teacher dictation. Use year after year – Non-consumable. One per year for K-1 classroom teachers is essential to properly teach this method.
24″ x 34″—lLarge Charts 11″ x 14″—Small Charts
© Riggs Institute Published by Riggs Institute Press
McCall Harby Standard Test Lessons in Primary Reading $11.00—each $5.00—Key
First Kindergarten reading comprehension booklet; 60 practice lessons, not normed for testing; normally used in third month of instruction at K level, perhaps sooner with older students. Teacher’s manual includes instructions for use. This comprehension booklet is introduced in Lesson 54 of the Level 1 Teacher’s Manual.
©Teacher College Press
McCall-Crabbs Standard Test Lessons in Reading $10.50—each $7.00—Teacher
Manual (all 6 books) McCall Harby/McCall-Crabbs Set—$81.00
Set of 6 Booklets, A-F; 3-minute timed testing, normed in 1969. 60 lessons/tests in each booklet. Our lesson plans call for use 2 to 3 times per week. 10 tests, averaged, are considered a reliable reading comprehension score. Purpose of reading is to comprehend printed text, therefore, it is essential to assess what is happening with your student. Classic assessment instruments since the 1920’s. Can be used as non-consumables.
Book A—1st-3rd Grade
Book B—2nd-5th Grade
Book C —4th-6th Grade
Book D—5th-7th Grade
Book E—6th-8th Grade
Book F—7th-12th+ Grade
Answer sheet Free Download:
©Teacher College Press
The Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking
Basic Spelling & Usage Dictionary $33.95
Finally, a truly useful primary-level dictionary; 4832 words (including verb- and plural-inflected forms), 1200 illustrations; after students learn to read, this shows them what to do with words and takes them on into grammar, vocabulary development and composition. A great “idea” book for teachers to create lesson plans. For K – 2, ESL and some Special Ed student use; for teachers to develop creative lesson plans.
© Riggs Institute Published by Riggs Institute Press

The Complete Book of Diagrams
By Mary Daly $28.00
162 pages; this spiral-bound manual supplements our Level II Teacher’s Edition for teaching grammar and syntax through diagramming; hundreds of diagrammed sentence samples, blank “diagramming” worksheets, PLUS “direct-instruction”, student/teacher dialogue for teaching it. **Required for teachers using Level II Teacher’s Edition or those who simply want to learn this fascinating and effective approach to teaching correct sentence structure.
©Mary Daly Published by Riggs Institute Press

The ABC’s and All Their Tricks
By Margaret Bishop $22.95
From the Stanford Hanna Study of 1966; this book explains the English orthography system (spelling) to adults. It is organized by phonograms that are close to the “Orton” phonograms used in this program; this makes the book very handy for adding additional words to the spelling-vocabulary lists; teaching the background for the spelling patterns, etc.
© Mott Media
Harvey’s Elementary Grammar & Composition $21.00—Set $16.00—Book $6.00—Key
Reprinted “classic” texts for teaching K – 8 (and up) English grammar and syntax through parsing and diagramming.. Direct, Socratic instruction from the leading 19th century classic grammarian of record, Thomas Harvey. All updated by Eric C. Wiggins, 1986
**This is a required text to go with our Level II Teacher’s Edition (Grade 2 and up).
Resource text for teachers or used as textbooks for older students, beginning Grade 3—up. Preface
© Mott Media
Harvey’s Revised English Grammar $27.00—Set $22.00—Book $6.00—Key
Reprinted “classic” texts for teaching K – 8 (and up) English grammar and syntax through parsing and diagramming. Direct, Socratic instruction from the leading 19th century classic grammarian of record, Thomas Harvey. All updated by Eric C. Wiggins, 1986
**We recommend this text for extended grammar study and/or use with our Level III Spelling List.
Resource text for teachers or used as textbooks for older students, beginning Grade 4—up.
English From the Roots Up Volume I $29.95—Book $18.00—Cards
This author was an experienced Writing Road to Reading teacher with an extensive background in Latin and Greek. Learning Latin and Greek roots gives students a firm foundation in English vocabulary and, very often, in spelling patterns.
Teacher resource & enrichment text.
**This is a required text with Level II Teacher’s Ed. in the second semester.
©Joegil Lundquist, Literacy Unlimited
English From the Roots Up Volume II $29.95—Book $18.00—Cards
This author was an experienced Writing Road to Reading teacher with an extensive background in Latin and Greek. Learning Latin and Greek roots gives students a firm foundation in English vocabulary and, very often, in spelling patterns.
Teacher resource & enrichment text
**We recommend this text for extended study and/or use with our Level III Spelling List.
©Joegil Lundquist, Literacy Unlimited
Instant Vocabulary $10.00
The author claims that this simple text, through 259 roots, prefixes and suffixes, puts the student in touch with 85% of the English lexicon; student lessons, non-consumable.
Teachers as a resource; older student as a text with self study lessons
© Simon & Schuster Inc.

Flippers $10.50—each
Word Skills Writing Skills Punctuation & Capitalization English Grammar
Handiest access to hundreds of grammar, syntax and punctuation rules (and examples) we’ve seen. Plastic laminated leaves mounted on hardback, 3-ring binder.
380 rules, definitions, illustrations on words Punctuation & Grammar, 340 rules More advanced Punctuation & Grammar, 400 rules Additional advanced Grammar
© Christopher Lee Publication
The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists $29.95
392 pages loaded with fascinating word study information, word lists, and great ideas for vocabulary and other lesson plans for all age students. This is a classic text of major proportion written by classic professor/author, Dr. Edward Raymond Fry & friends. A great teacher resource but also for older students who are always “bored.” Not necessary to our method but very enriching.
©John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Books Children Love $14.00
A comprehensive guide to the best in children’s literature. This is a practical guide to building a significant home or classroom library without breaking the bank; 35 interest areas. For teachers, librarians, principals and parents
©Elizabeth Laraway Wilson
You Can Prevent or Correct Learning Disorders
$69.95—2-vol. Library set
$39.95—1 vol. Paperback
Dr. Hilde L. Mosse, head psychiatrist for the NYC Board of Education in the 60’s and 70’s discovered the WRTR, an Orton-based program taught by Oma Riggs in Spanish Harlem. This 714-page work chronicles her experience and amazing success in teaching 1000 reading-disabled and psychologically disturbed student patients to read, write and spell English, which, in turn, solved many of their mental health problems. For teachers, parents, reading specialists, anyone interested in dealing with the problems of the “learning disordered” children and adults in our society.“The Indispensable Elements of Reading” article
Published by Riggs Institute Press
Reading, Writing and Speech Problems in Children and Selected Papers $58.25
A classic 1937 text about the failure of reading, writing and spelling instruction in the US, its probable causes and what one early and innovative neuroscientist did about it. From our earliest brain researcher — still ahead of our contemporary neuroscientists in finding practical solution. His research put him almost a century ahead and without he use of high-tech brain scanning equipment by which his theories can and should still be validated. Dr. Samuel T. Orton did not have a “peer group” any more than Einstein, Franklin or Edison did. For serious students of the neurological, linguistic, and pedagogical basis for the proliferation of learning disorders in children.
© The International Dyslexia Association
Becoming a Nation of Readers FREE
(BNR), Anderson, et al 1985 compilation of 40 years of reading research; 12 pages support explicit over implicit phonics, balance supports many features of whole language programs, the lack of basic skills not being among them. *You are now able to download this book—see link .
Critique, McCulloch: phonics chapter shows giant gaps in the available research for BNR, 4 pages.
© Center for the Study of Reading

All Language and the Creation of Literacy Orton Society $25.00
Orton Society: 1992, collection of nine essays on research which advocate combining phonics and whole language. This does not mean the “balance” between phonetic decoding and guessing from pictures and contextual clues.
Chall, Adams, Richardson, Willliams, Henry
©The Orton Dyslexia Society

Private Sector Alternatives for Preventing Reading Failure $20.00
Federal report naming 27 private sector agencies, including The Riggs Institute, which have successful track records of assisting teachers to implement recommended changes in reading instruction.
© The National Book Company
Retarding America: The Imprisonment of Potential $14.00
Brunner, Federal research report from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the National Institute of Justice. An important work revealing the link between academic failure and delin-quent/criminal behavior. Video by author Michal Burner

Preventing Reading Failure: An Examination of the Myths of Reading Instruction
Groff, Federal research report which debunks the long held “myths” of how reading should or should not be taught. An amazing annotated bibliography which proves the point.
© The National Book Company
What Works: Research About Teaching and Learning, 2nd Edition, Chester Finn, US DOE
1987 federal research synthesis on “what really works” in teaching children. The first edition contained 41 research findings written in “plain” English; this book is an updated and expanded version of the origi-nal. These books cover a broad range of subjects for the home, the classroom and school (see expanded pages for the Table of Contents. 5 to 7 research citations for each of the 41 findings.
Originally Printed by Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office
Reprinted by Riggs Institute Press

First Lessons: A Report on Elementary Education, Wm. Bennett, Secretary, US DOE
1986 federal “blueprint” about how to operate an elementary school; this book corrected an oversight dating from 1953. No major national report had examined the state of elementary education or set out a blueprint for reform efforts; this was a major contribution, which sadly, hasn’t had the widespread distri-bution and recognition it might have had.
Originally Printed by Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office
Reprinted by Riggs Institute Press

Handwriting Kit/Adaption Instructions * $70.00
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking “Revised” Orton Phonograms
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking “Revised” Orton Phonograms CD
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking Student CD w/ Blackline Master
*As a supplement for non-phonics (ie., Balanced Literacy classrooms) based language arts programs (Suggestions for using the phonograms, 47 Rules Of Spelling, syllabication, and plu-rals in any spelling, decoding, or reading exercise

30-hour Training Seminar Materials Set $215.95 person (Cost does not include shipping)
Full 30 hour training sessions available.
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking Level 1 Teacher’s Manual
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking “Revised” Orton Phonograms
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking “Revised Orton Phonograms CD
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking Student CD w/ Blackline Master
3/8 Notebook, 10 sheets 3/8” paper, Red pencil, Ruler
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking Training Manual
McCall Harby + Key or one of the McCall Crabbs + Key
*These materials will be the same materials the trainee will use in the classroom

30-hour Training Seminar
$300.00/ person
$6600.00/ for 22 participants—additional 8 free.
Full 30 hour training sessions available.
Check for dates and locations.
Each trainee will be required to have their own seminar materials* – $215.95 /person
*These materials will be the same materials the trainee will use in the classroom
Classroom Observation
$800.00 / day + travel + per diem
3-5 day with follow up meetings.
Our trainer will observe and/or teach classes where needed and present suggestions and corrections at the conclusion of the observation
Complete Starter Set
Teaching Materials (Non-Consumable)
with Large Wall Charts $367.40 with Small Wall Charts $312.40
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking Teachers Edition Level I
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking Training Manual
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking “Revised” Orton Phonograms
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking “Revised Orton Phonograms CD
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking Student CD w/ Blackline Master
McCall-Harby/McCall Crabbs Comprehension Set
Wall Charts—Large (classroom size) Small $40.00 (homeschool)
Student Materials (Consumable) $ Price varies with quantity
Kindergarten & Grade 1
1/2” rule Notebook (1 per student)
$2.00 each
$22.00 dozen
1/2” rule clock paper (3 students per ream/year)
$8.50 half ream
$15.00 ream
Red Pencil (1 per student)
$0.50 each
$6.00 dozen
Ruler (optional /1 per student)
$1.50 each
$18.00 dozen
.Grade 2—Adult
3/8” rule Notebook (1 per student)
$2.75 each
$30.00 dozen
3/8” rule clock paper (3 students per ream/year)
$8.50 half ream
$15.00 ream
Red Pencil (1 per student)
$0.50 each
$6.00 dozen
Ruler (optional /1 per student)
$1.50 each
$18.00 dozen
Highly Recommended / Resource Materials for teachers working with older students
Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking Teachers Edition Level III (Science & Math words to sup-plement words in Level I) $41.50
The ABC’s and All Their Tricks (great resource for answering student questions) $22.95
Instant Vocabulary (for teaching hundreds of prefixes, suffixes and roots) $10.00
The Complete Book of Diagrams (teaching syntax with diagraming) $28.00
The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists $29.95
English from the Roots Up (Latin & Greek Roots) $29.95